$3,960 (tax inc.)
Pukara Rock Hole is in sandy country where the Desert Heath Myrtle grows in abundance. The stories attached to Pukara are plentiful and link to great travellers from the Dreamtime. Snakes who are really men, who have travelled huge distances across country from as far away as Perth. A father and son, who finally come to Pukara where they stay, are still there today. Jimmy’s paintings have a great deal of symbolism and hidden in the dots. One can find the lay of the land, the seasonal flora that is plentiful at Pukara and stories of spearings, injury, recovery to health, dispute between the snake/men and the tribal people who want the resources and water that is to be found at Pukara.
Cash – locally only – up to $10,000 only. Layby facilities available. Card details can be advised securely using WhatsApp.
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