Coralleen (also known as Colleen) was born at Pirramil which is near Tjukurla. She moved to Haasts Bluff as a young girl – this is where she grew up. Coraleen was the wife of the late, well known Watiyawanu artist Bill Tjapaltjarri Whiskey- the local Ngungkari (healer), and grandmother of emerging Ikuntji artist Desmond Impu Tjapaltjarri. She had moved to the Papunya Mission with her husband where she worked as a cook in the central kitchen. She later moved to Ingalingi which was the family outstation 30Km from the Mount Liebig community.
She hadn’t painted at Ikuntji Art Centre for around 5 years (2004) but returned to live at Haasts Bluff with her daughter Kathleen Whiskey (Desmond’s mother) in early 2009. She sadly passed away in November 2009.
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