Billy Dullman grew up in the Malimali region, in the stone country south of Maningrida. He is of the Nawakadj subsection and Lambirra clan. He began painting as a little boy, doing rock art with his father. Billy underwent young man’s ceremony at Malimali and later moved to Maningrida where he found work on a freight boat. He sailed between Maningrida and Darwin and unloaded cargo by hand ~ “Big bag, lift ’em up”. During this time, Billy married his wife Dorothy. Billy returned to Malimali for a short while and then went to the Bulman area where he worked as a labourer on construction sites. His first girl was born while he was there. After that, Billy spent more time at Maningrida and about ten years ago, he moved to Oenpelli. At Oenpelli he began in earnest his career as an artist, working on paper and bark. He also has another two daughters. He has now moved to Katherine.
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