My name is Annette Day
I have always loved being by the sea – walking along the beach feels like a healing place. My love of shells started a long time ago, so when given the opportunity to learn about traditional weaving, shell stringing and working with kelp, I grabbed it with both hands. Spending time with Aunty Verna and other elders in my community has been a terrific experience for me. Being mentored by these wise, proud and strong women is an enormous privilege. It is only with the sharing of knowledge that we can ensure our traditions and culture will survive and thrive into the future. I too will be proud to pass on my knowledge and culture in my community.
For many years I have spent my weekdays as an Aged Care Support Worker in our community. I have been fortunate to spend quality time with our elders, sharing their journeys through the happy times and the sad times and being honoured by hearing many stories and learning the ways of their past and their hopes for the future. I am a proud Tasmanian Aboriginal woman, with two fine adult sons and the love of a very supportive husband.
In 2020, I was honoured to be nominated as an emerging Aboriginal artist in the Chosen Exhibition. I exhibited work online at the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF). In 2021, I proudly exhibited signature pieces of Marinas and Kelp in Takayna: A Journey Exhibition. I am looking forward to another successful year exhibiting with DAAF.
I am proud to practice my culture, and I hope you enjoy this unique piece. Thank you for your purchase.
Annette Day (nee Smith)
Cash – locally only – up to $10,000 only. Layby facilities available. Card details can be advised securely using WhatsApp.
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